Jesus Christ,  Lord,  Wisdom from the Sky

Our World is ideal by its nature

We live in the ideal World. Only God lives in material one. Once I was in a church and heard with my ears that two presvyteras discussed my life. I was standing in front of the icon of The Theotokos and suddenly was listening to. I was little bit annoyed with this and I decided to watch at them so they would stop it. I turned my head to their side and suddenly the picture started moving as if when computer runs slow and it changed to a normal one and they at once changed the topic. For a long time I was thinking what was that and came to conclusion that my true reality was substituted with a vision of it.

In testaments we read that Jesus multiplied the Heaven’s bread and gave it out to the hungry ones. The matter is not possible to be created, it is ultimate point which can not be changed nor appear. It originates from chaos. And matter is a reality of God only. But we live in the ideal world which is His creation. He can open wide the waters, He can inflict rainfall, He rules our ways. It is all His creation.

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